Case Studies

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

Charles Darwin


A private health service was faced with a regional team that although they generated very high sales and profit revenues their management style was imploding and self-destructing the team that supports them. Team members refused to work from the offices.

Solution and Results


A significant systems installation was behind schedule and over budget.

There were extreme levels of frustration internally which stalled the project and impacted external customers, resulting in both sides considering legal action.

Solution and Result


A large public organisation senior leadership team was not operating collaboratively, working in silos. Risk levels increased and critical incidents occurred as result.


A senior executive advising on technical aspects to a significant Government Project, unable to communicate effectively the background to support the recommendations, due to frustration acts inappropriately and unprofessionally, jeopardising the role and key project outcomes.


Coaching for Leaders

I was very unsure what the benefits or purpose of the coaching I was required to undertake were, and so entered the first session with immense trepidation.  Christine was very honest and encouraging as to how the coaching would operate. I left that meeting feeling very encouraged about the process and somewhat relieved.

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